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 DotA league, team de noob

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DotA league, team de noob Empty
MessageSujet: DotA league, team de noob   DotA league, team de noob EmptyDim 4 Nov - 11:05

J'ai trouvé une team de noobs à pwn Smile

Def du backdooring:

3.2 No creep skipping. Creep skipping is defined by attacking a tower which is out of range to attack your creeps OR attacking a non-tower building with creeps fighting out of the range of the ranged creeps (Necromancer, Meat Wagon, Ballista or Druid of the Talon). If your teams creeps are in the enemy base you are allowed to enter the enemy base with your heroes and attack any thing you like but only if you enter the base from the same lane(s) as the allied creeps you have in the enemy base when you do it. You may continue all of your actions in the enemy base for as long as you want – even after all your creeps are dead.

Autres règles :

3.10 Completely closing an entrance to your own base using the Earthshakers Fissure spell is forbidden.
3.11 It is not allowed to block creeps with the use of spells such as Fissure, Sprout etc. You may only block creeps by physically intercepting them with your hero model only. Spells which completely kills your own creeps such as Dark Pact or Conversion are allowed to use as you wish.

Règle du leaver en SiG (single instant game) :

2.7c You are not allowed to take the items for yourself or sell them them from any other unit apart from the leaver's hero. If the leaver had a courier, check that the items in here belonged to him and not to someone he had given control to. This rule means that you CAN teamsell the items and still use the leaver, but you cannot use the leaver's hero instead of your own. You also cannot put any more items on the leavers hero - it must be used with the items it had when he left, or with none.
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wOs - TeaM

Nombre de messages : 1806
Age : 35
Localisation : 1337 represent'
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2006

DotA league, team de noob Empty
MessageSujet: Re: DotA league, team de noob   DotA league, team de noob EmptyDim 4 Nov - 14:57

Apres, c'est les règles de la league...
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wOs - TeaM [Admin]
wOs - TeaM [Admin]

Nombre de messages : 1035
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2006

DotA league, team de noob Empty
MessageSujet: Re: DotA league, team de noob   DotA league, team de noob EmptyDim 4 Nov - 15:46

Ok pour le backdooring !!

On peut tt niké du moment qu'on est chez eux Very Happy
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DotA league, team de noob Empty
MessageSujet: Re: DotA league, team de noob   DotA league, team de noob Empty

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DotA league, team de noob
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